4.6. Bitwise Operators

In addition to the standard arithmetic operations described earlier, CPUs also support operations that are uncommon outside of binary. These bitwise operators directly apply the behavior of logic gates to bit sequences, making them straightforward to implement efficiently in hardware. Unlike addition and subtraction, which programmers typically use to manipulate a variable’s numerical interpretation, programmers commonly use bitwise operators to modify specific bits in a variable. For example, a program might encode a certain bit position in a variable to hold a true/false meaning, and bitwise operations allow the program to manipulate the variable’s individual bits to change that specific bit.

4.6.1. Bitwise AND

The bitwise AND operator (&) evaluates two input bit sequences. For each digit of the inputs, it outputs a 1 in the corresponding position of the output if both inputs are 1 in that position. Otherwise, it outputs a 0 for the digit. Table 1 shows the truth table for the bitwise AND of two values, A and B.

Table 1. The Results of Bitwise ANDing Two Values (A AND B)
A B A & B













For example, to bitwise AND 0b011010 with 0b110110, start by lining up the two sequences. Checking vertically through each digit, set the result of the column to 1 if both digits are 1. Otherwise, set the result of the column to 0:

    AND 110110  Only digits 1 and 4 are 1's in BOTH inputs, so
Result: 010010  those are the only digits set to 1 in the output.

To perform a bitwise AND in C, place C’s bitwise AND operator (&) between two operand variables. Here’s the same example again, performed in C:

int x = 26;
int y = 54;

printf("Result: %d\n", x & y);  // Prints 18
Bitwise Operations versus Logical Truth Operations

Be careful not to conflate bitwise operators with logical truth operators. Despite having similar names (AND, OR, NOT, etc.), the two are not the same:

  • Bitwise operators consider each bit of their inputs independently and produce an output bit sequence as a function of the specific input bits that are set.

  • Logical operators consider only the truth interpretation of their operands. To C, a value of zero is false, whereas all other values are considered true. Logical operators are often used when evaluating conditionals (e.g., if statements).

Note that C often uses similar (but slightly different) operators to distinguish between the two. For example, you can indicate bitwise AND and bitwise OR using a single & and |, respectively. Logical AND and logical OR correspond to a double && and ||. Finally, bitwise NOT uses ~, whereas logical NOT is expressed by !.

4.6.2. Bitwise OR

The bitwise OR operator (|) behaves like the bitwise AND operator except that it outputs a 1 for a digit if either or both of the inputs is 1 in the corresponding position. Otherwise, it outputs a 0 for the digit. Table 2 shows the truth table for the bitwise OR of two values, A and B.

Table 2. The Results of Bitwise ORing Two Values (A OR B)
A B A | B













For example, to bitwise OR 0b011010 with 0b110110, start by lining up the two sequences. Checking vertically through each digit, set the result of the column to 1 if either digit is 1:

     OR 110110     Only digit 0 contains a 0 in both inputs, so it's
Result: 111110     the only digit not set to 1 in the result.

To perform a bitwise OR in C, place C’s bitwise OR operator (|) between two operands. Here’s the same example again, performed in C:

int x = 26;
int y = 54;

printf("Result: %d\n", x | y);  // Prints 62

4.6.3. Bitwise XOR (Exclusive OR)

The bitwise XOR operator (^) behaves like the bitwise OR operator except that it outputs a 1 for a digit only if exactly one (but not both) of the inputs is 1 in the corresponding position. Otherwise, it outputs a 0 for the digit. Table 3 shows the truth table for the bitwise XOR of two values, A and B.

Table 3. The Results of Bitwise XORing Two Values (A XOR B)
A B A ^ B













For example, to bitwise XOR 0b011010 with 0b110110, start by lining up the two sequences. Checking vertically through each digit, set the result of the column to 1 if only one digit is 1:

    XOR 110110     Digits 2, 3, and 6 contain a 1 in exactly one of
Result: 101100     the two inputs.

To perform a bitwise XOR in C, place C’s bitwise XOR operator (^) between two operands. Here’s the same example again, performed in C:

int x = 26;
int y = 54;

printf("Result: %d\n", x ^ y);  // Prints 44

4.6.4. Bitwise NOT

The bitwise NOT operator (~) operates on just one operand. For each bit in the sequence, it simply flips the bit such that a zero becomes a one or vice versa. Table 4 shows the truth table for the bitwise NOT operator.

Table 4. The Results of Bitwise NOTing a Value (A)
A ~ A





For example, to bitwise NOT 0b011010, invert the value of each bit:

    NOT 011010
Result: 100101

To perform a bitwise NOT in C, place a tilde character (~) in front of an operand. Here’s the same example again, performed in C:

int x = 26;

printf("Result: %d\n", ~x); // Prints -27
Bitwise NOT vs. Negation

Note that all modern systems represent integers using two’s complement, so bitwise NOT isn’t quite the same as negation. Bitwise NOT only flips the bits and doesn’t add one.

4.6.5. Bit Shifting

Another important bitwise operation involves shifting the position of an operand’s bits either to the left (<<) or to the right (>>). Both the left and right shifting operators take two operands: the bit sequence to shift and the number of places it should be shifted.

Shifting Left

Shifting a sequence to the left by N places moves each of its bits to the left N times, appending new zeros to the right side of the sequence. For example, shifting the eight-bit sequence 0b00101101 to the left by two produces 0b10110100. The two zeros at the right are appended to end of the sequence, since the result still needs to be an eight-bit sequence.

In the absence of overflow, shifting to the left increases the value of the result because bits move toward digits that contribute larger powers of two to the value of the number. However, with a fixed number of bits, any bits that shift into positions beyond the maximum capacity of the number get truncated. For example, shifting the eight-bit sequence 0b11110101 (unsigned interpretation 245) to the left by one produces 0b11101010 (unsigned interpretation 234). Here, the truncation of the high-order bit that shifted out makes the result smaller.

To perform a left bit shift in C, place two less-than characters (<<) between a value and the number of places to shift that value:

int x = 13;  // 13 is 0b00001101

printf("Result: %d\n", x << 3);  // Prints 104 (0b01101000)

Shifting Right

Shifting to the right is similar to left shifting — any bits that are shifted out of a variable’s capacity (e.g., off the end to the right) disappear due to truncation. However, right shifting introduces an additional consideration: the new bits prepended to the left side of the result may need to be either all zeros or all ones depending on the type of the variable being shifted and its high-order bit value. Conceptually, the choice to prepend zeros or ones resembles that of sign extension. Thus, there exist two distinct variants of right shifting:

  • A logical right shift always prepends zeros to the high-order bits of the result. Logical shifting is used to shift unsigned variables, since a leading 1 in the most significant bit of an unsigned value isn’t intended to mean that the value is negative. For example, shifting 0b10110011 to the right by two using a logical shift yields 0b00101100.

  • An arithmetic right shift prepends a copy of the shifted value’s most significant bit into each of the new bit positions. Arithmetic shifting applies to signed variables, for which it’s important to preserve the signedness of the high-order bits. For example, shifting 0b10110011 to the right by two using an arithmetic shift yields 0b11101100.

Fortunately, when programming in C, you don’t typically need to worry about the distinction if you’ve declared your variables properly. If your program includes a right shift operator (>>), virtually every C compiler will automatically perform the appropriate type of shifting according to the type of the shifting variable. That is, if the shifting variable was declared with the unsigned qualifier, the compiler will perform a logical shift. Otherwise, it will perform an arithmetic shift.

C Right Shift Example Program

You can test the behavior of right shifting with a small example program like this one:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    /* Unsigned integer value: u_val. */
    unsigned int u_val = 0xFF000000;

    /* Signed integer value: s_val. */
    int s_val = 0xFF000000;

    printf("%08X\n", u_val >> 12);  // logical right shift
    printf("%08X\n", s_val >> 12);  // arithmetic right shift

    return 0;

This program declares two 32-bit integers: one as an unsigned integer (u_val), and another as a signed integer (s_val). It initializes both integers to the same starting value: a sequence of eight ones followed by 24 zeros (0b1111111100000000000000000000000000), and then it shifts both values 12 positions to the right. When executed, it prints:

$ ./a.out

Because a leading 1 doesn’t indicate "negative" for the unsigned u_val, the compiler uses instructions to prepend it with only zeros. The shifted result contains 12 zeros, eight ones, and 12 more zeros (0b00000000000011111111000000000000). On the other hand, the leading 1 does indicate "negative" for s_val, so the compiler prepends 1’s to the front of the shifted value, yielding 20 ones followed by 12 zeros (0b11111111111111111111000000000000).