11. Storage and the Memory Hierarchy

Although designing and implementing efficient algorithms is typically the most critical aspect of writing programs that perform well, there’s another, often overlooked factor that can have a major impact on performance: memory. Perhaps surprisingly, two algorithms with the same asymptotic performance (number of steps in the worst case) run on the same inputs might perform very differently in practice due to the organization of the hardware on which they execute. Such differences generally stem from the algorithms' memory accesses, particularly where they store data and the kinds of patterns they exhibit when accessing it. These patterns are referred to as memory locality, and to achieve the best performance, a program’s access patterns need to align well with the hardware’s memory arrangement.

For example, consider the following two variations of a function for averaging the values in an N×N matrix, as shown in Table 1. Despite both versions accessing the same memory locations an equal number of times (N2), the code on the left executes about five times faster on real systems than the code on the right. The difference arises from the patterns in which they access those memory locations. Toward the end of this chapter we analyze this example using the memory profiling tool Cachegrind.

Table 1. Two versions of a function that accesses every element of an NxN matrix. They only differ in their memory indexing into the matrix.
float averageMat_v1(int **mat, int n) {
    int i, j, total = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
            // Note indexing: [i][j]
            total += mat[i][j];

    return (float) total / (n * n);
float averageMat_v2(int **mat, int n) {
    int i, j, total = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
            // Note indexing: [j][i]
            total += mat[j][i];

    return (float) total / (n * n);

Storage locations like registers, CPU caches, main memory, and files on disk all feature remarkably different access times, transfer rates, and storage capacities. When programming a high-performance application, it’s important to consider where data is stored and how frequently the program accesses each device’s data. For example, accessing a slow disk once as the program starts is rarely a major concern. On the other hand, accessing the disk frequently will slow down the program considerably.

This chapter characterizes a diverse set of memory devices and describes how they’re organized in a modern PC. With that context, we’ll see how a collection of varied memory devices can be combined to exploit the locality found in a typical program’s memory access patterns.