7. 64-bit x86 Assembly (x86-64)

In this chapter, we cover the Intel Architecture 64-bit (x86-64) instruction set architecture. Recall that an instruction set architecture (or ISA) defines the set of instructions and binary encodings of a machine-level program. To run the examples in this chapter, you will need access to a machine with a 64-bit x86 processor. The term "x86" is often used synonymously with the IA-32 architecture. The 64-bit extension of this architecture is referred to as x86-64 (or x64) and is ubiquitous in modern computers. Both IA32 and x86-64 belong to the x86 architecture family.

To check to see if you have a 64-bit Intel processor on your Linux machine, run the uname -m command. If you have an x86-64 system, you should see output like the following:

$ uname -m

Since x86-64 is an extension of the smaller IA32 ISA, some readers may prefer a discussion of IA32. To read more about IA32, follow this link to Chapter 8.

x86 Syntax Branches

x86 architectures typically follow one of two different syntax branches. UNIX machines commonly use the AT&T syntax, given that UNIX was developed at AT&T Bell Labs. The corresponding assembler is GNU Assembler (GAS). Since we use GCC for most examples in this book, we cover AT&T syntax in this chapter. Windows machines commonly use Intel syntax, which is used by Microsoft’s Macro Assembler (MASM). The Netwide Assembler (NASM) is an example of a Linux assembler that uses Intel syntax. The argument regarding the superiority of one syntax over the other is one of the "holy wars" of the discipline. However, there is value in being familiar with both syntaxes, as a programmer may encounter either in various circumstances.